Monday, December 15, 2008

New Dry Erase Board - :-)

We finally have our dry erase board up! It takes up an entire side of the office, but is a nice addition to the decor. Having a bright blue office is fun and it makes the white really jump out. We had a smaller easel before but there is so much to do that this enormous board actually works for us!

We try to prioritize every day for each member of the iSpeech team. This board enables us to record everyone's daily goals. We are a group that appreciates color, creativity, and organization all in one. With the dry erase board, each of us has our own color and way to display our daily challenges and allows us to acknowledge our goals that we meet each and every day. It is very rewarding to be able to go up to this huge board and draw a red line through the items on the lists we have made for ourselves.

If you are looking to get organized in a big way, try a dry erase board that you can mount on your wall!

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