Sunday, November 16, 2008

iSpeech is "very impressive" according to Speech Technology Magazine

On November 11th

Speech Technology Magazine's blog introduced iSpeech
to the speech technology community. Adam B. had this to say:

"iSpeech is a web-based solution that allows users to convert websites and blogs into audio. iSpeech has been in development for more than eighteen months and does not require users to download or install anything. They simply cut and paste what they want to convert into the box provided on the site, or upload the files in question. After that, it’s easy to share the files in pretty much any format or forum.

I decided to test it out with the following quote from Speech Tech Blog favorite Emma Goldman:
“No great idea in its beginning can ever be within the law. How can it be within the law? The law is stationary. The law is fixed. The law is a chariot wheel which binds us all regardless of conditions or place or time.”

The results–which can be heard here–are very impressive.
So impressive, that we may start using iSpeech for the Speech Tech Blog. We will keep you posted."

I wanted to take a second and thank Adam for his kind words. iSpeech is still in beta, and I am confident that if you like iSpeech beta, you will love what's to come! To Adam and all of our friends at Speech Technology Magazine, thank you!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Technical Post - New Filing System at iSpeech - MD5

We have a new filing system at iSpeech to ensure that no two documents will ever collide. In case you have heard someone else's audio, it has been fixed!

The problem: computers cannot be truly random, even when generating a 32 bit sequence.

The solution: Files are named according to their message digest checksum, a hash of the actual file contents- aka MD5.

Note: any file that was previously converted will continue to work as normal. This fix only applies to new text to speech conversions.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 is recognized by

At (, we always appreciate recognition for our hard work, but we were very happy to see that recognized us as a viable startup business. It seems that every day there are at least a few new Web 2.0 sites launched with hopes ranging from filling a niche market to becoming the next Google. Fairly recent success such as has sparked a free website rush. definitely qualifies as Web 2.0 and as Free, but there is something that sets iSpeech apart from other Web 2.0 sites.

iSpeech is a true Webservice that converts any text into speech instantly. Not only does iSpeech convert text to speech, but it also allows the user to download an MP3, podcast, and even embed a customizable widget into any website or blog that supports objects. But why stop there? Why not give users the ability to convert any Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), HTML, or RSS feed into spoken audio.

As per customer service, contact and ask for an improvment or an add-on. Your idea will be met with open minds and may very well make it onto the site.

iSpeech mentioned by

iSpeech ( is noted by ( as an easy-to-use way of converting text to speech. With iSpeech, anyone can dowload or paste any file and convert it to audio in seconds.

In's words, "In a nutshell, iSpeech is a web-based solution that will allow you to convert your favorite websites and blogs to audio. A service like this caters for multiple users. For example, bloggers can easily increase their existing reader base by giving readers the chance to listen to the blog, whereas content providers can easily mobilize digital content and reach a broader audience instantly. Of course, the general public will also find such an approach compelling as they will be able to dispense with sitting in front of the computer to read the news – rather, they can listen to them"

For all you bloggers out there, this is a great way to grow your audience. Using iSpeech, readers can easily listen to your blog.